Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Migrating from VirtualBox to Proxmox - A beginning

A long time ago, now (2019, as it turns out), I set up a super-duper AMD Threadripper machine with 16 cores and 32 threads, and 128GB of RAM to be a Virtual Machine host for my home lab. Since then, it has evolved into the host for my PFsense router, my "desktop" machine, and a bunch of other VMs, as well as my storage server. At the time, I set it up with a regular Ubuntu install with VirtualBox running on it. All these VMs are being run on VirtualBox. 

I know. 

Well, time-and-a-half went by, and I became aware of Proxmox. I never really had spare hardware with enough grunt to really try it out, so I kinda let it go. Then, my employment relationship with that online furniture retailer (as well as those of about 500 other folks) suddenly ended. The machine I'd put together as a "BYO" desktop for work was suddenly out of a job as well. That was a pretty beefy machine... AMD Ryzen 7, 8C16T with 32GB of RAM... but it had a sort of narcolepsy problem. it would just... for no apparent cause... stop. It didn't seem to be thermally-related... not the power supply. I have no explanation... it just farts out... but I can usually get a good 6-8 hours out of it, sometimes a lot more. ...so it finally dawned on me that this old beast might be a good Proxmox test mule.   That was a couple months ago.  I decided to give it a go, and I like it. I like it enough that I want to migrate my "production" VM host to Proxmox. 


I'd hoped to migrate the VMs, one by one, to Proxmox on a different host, and then do an OS re-install on Jerome (the Threadripper box - named after the "good family man" to whom, Frasier and Niles owed a "favor") with Proxmox, and migrate some or all of the VMs back over. 

The old BYO machine (named Zora, after Fraiser's "excitable" Greek aunt... I have a lot of machines named after characters from Frasier) is based on a Mini-ITX motherboard, so it has only one PCIe slot, and that's taken up by a video card. I need more Ethernet ports to run my PFsense router... and, of course, there's the "oops I forgot how to computer" problem. So, I decided to build a new machine, with a full ATX motherboard, and slots... and I managed to find an AMD Ryzen 7 CPU with 12 cores and 24 threads AND a built-in GPU... so that's exciting. Not QUITE as heavy as Jerome, but pretty good... and 128GB of RAM. So, I can put a 4 x 1GB Ethernet board in there, and run my PFsense router, and the board has 4 SATA ports, so I can figure out how to do my storage. 

Ah, yes, storage. Jerome has three 18TB drives in a RAID5 array, and those are run by the host OS. I'm thinking that under Proxmox, I will have the raw drives forwarded up to one of the VMs that will serve as the storage server... but I'm not entirely sure how that will work. I haven't really dug into the docs yet. I know it's been done in other KVM environments, so... I'm confident it should be doable. When I get the new machine up and running I can try it out. It would be lovely to just be able to take the disks as they are, and plug them in on a fresh Proxmox install, build a fileshare VM and just... ta-da! We'll see. 

So, the parts for the new Proxmox host are supposed to show up today. Hopefully, everything goes together without a hitch, and I can begin properly experimenting. 

Updates when they're warranted.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

RMVOD v0.9.2 is HERE! It's a BIG DEAL!

New Features:

 0) User Sessions.  You have the option to log in at the browser and track your viewing across multiple devices, such that your recommendations will be consistent across devices, and your tv series viewing history will be aggregated.  User sessions also enables you to bring your settings with you, like playback speed, watch next episode, and resume playback.  In addition to your settings, watch data like "current artifact" and "time offset" are also captured in your session, so you can switch devices easily in mid playback.

1) Recent Episodes. Thanks to the existence of User Sessions, it is now possible to keep track of what the latest episode is that you've watched for a TV Series, and either re-watch or watch the next one with just one click.

Bug Fixes and Minor Tweaks:

Posters now fetched from OMDbAPI - The previous source of poster images became unusable.  RMVOD has been shifted to take advantage of the service on OMDbAPI 

Added "stats" - The "Settings" tab has a clickable link which fetches the current "statistics" for the server, including the current count of movies, tv episodes and tv series, as well as viewing statistics for the top 10 tags among tv series and movies, and the top 10 titles for each tag.

OMDbAPI "Series Fetch" bug fix - Fetching series info from OMDbAPI had a bug, which has been fixed.

Added Playback Speed option to "Settings" - Playback Speed can be set as a option in the Settings tab.

Fix title set on play. - There was an issue with setting the page title when playback starts.

Fix Recs Poster Image thing. - There was an issue in the recommendations artifact details wherein the artifact details were not getting the "oops no poster" when there was no poster for the artifact.  

Reworked statistics to have the period delivered by the client, rather than hard-coded in the API.  

Download the latest stable code here:


RMVOD r0.9.3 is here!

 Hi folks!   Well, TV Series Playlists are here, as well as some fixes to Recommendations.  Here are the release notes: RIBBBITmedia Video O...